
Drupal vs WordPress: Which is the best CMS platform to opt for in 2023?

Drupal vs WordPress: Which is the best CMS platform to opt for in 2023?

Posted by admin ,20th Nov 2023

Both Drupal and WordPress have it’s own user base and both are still being loved by a large group of people. We have been working with both of these platform equally for very long now, and that’s why we can point out each of their pros and cons as well. This article explores in-depth about pretty much every aspects to the debate about whether wordpress better than drupal.


What is WordPress

Still in 2023, Wordpress is known for its admin user experience, although Drupal is making the wave. WordPress clearly beats Drupal in the case of ready-made themes availability, there are a lot of ready-made themes available in sites like Themeforest, which can massively reduce the time and cost for development of the website.

Here at My Webworld LTD, we are dedicated in providing the best quality of wordpress development services in London. An effective website is important aspect in improving revenue, brand awareness, and ROI. We often recommend our clients the best wordpress site for businesses and organisations with lesser complexity to maximise your ROI from marketing.


Comparison of Drupal and WordPress as CMS platforms. Which one is better? Find out the best choice for 2023


What is Drupal

Drupal is the clear winner when it comes to the enterprise-level CMS platforms for more complex projects. It has been launched in the early 2000s, recently Drupal 10 released in 2022 and has emerged as an advanced and exceptional iteration. It has introduced several improvements like:

  1. Better UI
  2. Improved keyboard accessibility
  3. Drupal 10 CKEditor 5
  4. The Olivero theme
  5. Twig 2 support
  6. Layout builder enhancements

It is basically used for high traffic websites.


Deciding on the best CMS platform for 2023: Drupal vs WordPress


Making a choice

When it comes to making a choice between both the platforms, we have to consider some points:

  1. Drupal is highly extensible, very powerful and reliable. It offers one of the best stable frameworks.
  2. Whereas Wordpress brings more features out of the box, but they come at a price of extensibility or the ability of the website to handle more complex tasks.
  3. At the end, it all comes to choosing the right tool for the job, given the complexity of your specific needs. If your budget allows, you find an experienced , technical expert who can help you in this decision making from an unbiased viewpoint and also helps you ensure your website works perfect for your business conversions, whether its leads, e-commerce transactions, higher ed enrollments, market exposure.

We can’t over estimate the importance of technical expertise and experience in implementing anything but the most simple website.


Why do Drupal websites Sometimes cost more than wordpress websites

To create more extensive experiences, complex content, always Drupal is the go to solution. If you find yourself in need of a more complex solution, then don’t consider any other options but Drupal. Ultimately for achieving your long-term results when you choose the right tool for the right job.

In other hand, if you tend to feel that your business website is not that complex and you only need a simple website then, you could wisely spend your money more wisely by choosing WordPress for simpler projects. The remaining amount can be used for your digital marketing, website optimisation, traffic and conversions to target your goals better.


WordPress Vs Drupal: Detailed Comparison

WordPress is simple to install and this convenience has attracted a vast user base for the platform.  

The majority of the websites that has been on the internet are built using the WordPress platform. Whereas Drupal in other hand is slightly complicated to install, but it doesn’t offer any extensive customisation capabilities and it is widely used for the development of complex and large-scale projects.

Several government websites and universities prefer to use Drupal as their education content management system. According to a recent report by Drupal, 71% of top 100 universities run on the Drupal CMS.


Ease of Use

WordPress streamlines the process of developing a website from scratch to a fully functional website within 24 hours, making it highly beginner-friendly.

When comparing WordPress to Drupal, Drupal seem to be challenging to learn, but it is not that difficult to use. One amoung the main benefits of Drupal is its new theme generator tool in Drupal 10, which simplifies the creation of custom themes.



When the risk of security arises WordPress is more vulnerable to threats than Drupal. According to the recent study by Hubspot, WordPress security issues are related to plugin, theme and core software vulnerabilities. With the best WordPress security practices, it is possible to reduce those vulnerabilities. Drupal’s security modules adds a strong sheild of protection to the websites built using the platform. Drupal 10’s symfony 6.2 PHP framework is all set to offer a more secure and feature-rich foundation.


SEO Capabilities

In comparison of Drupal and WordPress, WordPress offers several SEO plugins and automatically generated XML sitemaps. Some of its built-in SEO tools include Mailchimp and Google Analytics. However, access to advanced SEO tools, the ability to leverage Google Analytics, or the option to install third-party plugins is limited to users on the business tires.

Drupal 10 helps users enhance their website’s visibility on search engines with improved meta tags, structured data and canonical URLs. These enhancements complement existing SEO features such as customisable meta tags, tile-based URL nodes and RDF support.



WordPress has a vast library of a staggering 55000+ plugins, and its most popular e-commerce plugin, Woocommerce, is widely adopted and its still powering 6.3 million websites worldwide.

Drupal has over 40,000 modules for site customisation and its new Olivero theme in Drupal 10 enhances its user experience with a modern interface.



It may not be the strengths of WordPress CMS. It largely depends on how the websites are optimised. Here are reasons why websites build with platforms other than Drupal may be slow:

  1. Multiple external scripts
  2. The site’s hosting provider
  3. Server-side optimisations
  4. Unoptimised content
  5. Poorly coded plugins
  6. Sluggish themes
  7. Lack of dedicated resource to serve content

Drupal is not resource-intensive, that’s how it offers blazing fast server communication and response speeds. This allows users to handle large websites with thousands of pages more effectively. One can also add extensions to further boost performance, such as enabling website caching.



WordPress offers live chat support available 24/7 on weekdays, lacalised email support, contact forms, community documentation, stack exchange and core issue queue.


So which is the better Platform

WordPress and Drupal both are beginner-friendly, with a less steep learning curve and user-friendly tools. They offers many options for customisation, with themes like Divi and Plugins like toolset and is a powerful SEO platform, especially with tools like rank math.


Drupal vs Wordpress


Drupal has a steeper learning curve due to its technical nature, but experienced website managers should find it easy to use. It requires more web design and development skills than WordPress but is a powerful platform that can meet your needs with the right expertise.