Dealing with an outdated CMS? Unlock the true potential of your web presence with a seamless migration to Drupal 10.


Drupal 10 has finally arrived, and we are excited to assist you in seamlessly transitioning to this latest version. To pave the way for a successful upgrade, we highly recommend making the switch to Drupal 9 first. Drupal 9 not only showcases its superior capabilities but also ensures a smooth transition process for future updates. Countless renowned enterprises have already migrated their pivotal websites and applications to Drupal 9, demonstrating its reliability and robustness. Now, they stand prepared to capitalize on the advanced features offered by Drupal 10 through a hassle-free upgrade process. Join this league of forward-thinking organizations and unlock the full potential of Drupal 10 effortlessly!

Professional Drupal migration services for seamless website transitions

  • Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 (or 10) migration

  • Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 (or 10) upgrade

  • Upgrading from Drupal 6 to the latest version

  • Migrating from any CMS to Drupal


Leveraging their extensive experience in handling numerous Drupal upgrade and migration projects, our team of Acquia-certified Drupal experts is well-equipped to guide you effortlessly through the process of transitioning to the latest Drupal version. With a profound understanding of the intricate requirements involved, our dedicated Drupal specialists are committed to ensuring that your migration is seamless and hassle-free. By harnessing the advanced features of Drupal 9 (or 10), they not only facilitate a smooth transition for your platform but also enhance your ability to captivate and serve your audience effectively with a tailored user experience that is both engaging and impactful.

We are happy to provide audits for FREE!


Expert assistance with Drupal migration for smooth website upgrades


We begin the process by conducting a thorough examination of your website's various elements, including its features, functionality, modules, and structure of content. This meticulous scrutiny allows us to gain a deep and holistic insight into the digital landscape of your website. Subsequent to this analysis, we carefully document the different content views, which aids us in simplifying the process of replicating your content seamlessly during the transition phase. Finally, we develop a well-thought-out strategic plan for migrating your content, wherein we meticulously map out the most effective and efficient path to ensure the protection and successful transfer of your valuable content to its new destination.


As we proceed with our Drupal migration journey, our meticulous efforts involve not only rebuilding the content structure but also meticulously replicating key website features. Through comprehensive regression testing, we ensure that every aspect is thoroughly checked and validated, leading to a solid foundation for your online presence. This meticulous process guarantees seamless functionality and flawless performance, ultimately enhancing the overall experience for your website users.


Continuing with our streamlined process, our team carefully constructs legacy content within the foundation of Drupal's comprehensive content structure. This meticulous approach guarantees a smooth and efficient transition from your existing platform to the cutting-edge one we're developing. Furthermore, we execute a seamless transfer of all relevant content and assets from your previous system, prioritizing the preservation and enhancement of their original quality and accessibility. Our commitment to data integrity is unwavering, as we dedicate significant effort to validating every aspect of the data migration process with precision and thoroughness.

Drupal API Integration

To elevate both the security and functionality of your website to a superior level, our team will skilfully incorporate a third-party API, enriching the user experience. Our expertly tailored Drupal solutions will further augment your website's capabilities, empowering it with increased strength and adaptability to meet evolving needs effectively.


We prioritize a comprehensive examination of the migrated data, carefully verifying its accuracy and reliability to eliminate any discrepancies. Our commitment extends to subjecting every replicated feature to rigorous smoke testing and load testing, assuring they deliver optimal performance across diverse conditions. In our unwavering dedication to safeguarding your website, we diligently carry out extensive security evaluations, actively seeking out vulnerabilities and strengthening your website's defences against potential threats.


What is a Drupal Migration and how does it work?

A Drupal migration involves transferring digital content from an old Drupal website to a new one, whether it's built on a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, AEM, or Sitecore. It's a wise decision to migrate to the latest version of Drupal, using migration scripts and tools provided by Drupal core or contributed modules. These scripts map data and handle differences in content types, fields, and structures.

Why should I migrate to Drupal 10?

Drupal 10 offers numerous benefits, including improved performance, accessibility, and enhanced developer tools. It has been continuously improved since Drupal 8, ensuring long-term support and compatibility. It's a wise move to stay updated with Drupal versions for optimal web project support.

What is the theme?

The Drupal website's look and feel are determined by its theme, which can be a single file or a collection of files like PHP, INFO, CSS, JPG, GIF, and PNG. It includes elements like headers, icons, and block layouts. There are many community-developed themes or you can create your own.

How much does a Drupal migration cost?

The cost of a Drupal migration varies significantly based on factors like site complexity, version, data migration, and specific features. While we can provide figures, the cost range may not be accurate for your specific situation. It's recommended to get a tailored quote from a Drupal development company based on your project's unique requirements. Starting with a free migration audit and quote is recommended.

Would we lose any existing features or content if we migrated to Drupal 10?

The complexity of your current CMS setup, structure, and implementation of Drupal 10 depends on its complexity. Custom modules often require rebuilding due to its Symfony framework and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Additionally, themes need redevelopment due to the new template engine introduced in Drupal 8, Twig. To minimize loss of features or content, thorough planning and testing are essential. Working with Drupal experts is recommended for a smooth migration process.

What will happen to our 3rd party integrations when we migrate to Drupal 10?

Drupal has improved its compatibility and integrations with third-party software with each new version. The inclusion of web services in Drupal core makes creating RESTful APIs quick and straightforward, enabling seamless connections with various applications. Additionally, Drupal has expanded its integration modules, enhancing its versatility.

How easy (or difficult) is it to upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10?

The Drupal community has prioritized backward compatibility in the upgrade process from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10. If your site is well-maintained and updated with Drupal 9 best practices, the transition should be easy. However, it's crucial to assess your site's specific requirements and consult with Drupal experts for a tailored migration plan to ensure a smooth and trouble-free transition.

I’ve run into many issues after migrating to Drupal 9. How do I fix it?

If your Drupal development partner hasn't taken care of your site's architecture, content structure, module upgrade paths, custom code migration, library version updates, permissions, and performance, your website may face issues. While a detailed article can help tackle these issues, it's recommended to seek help from Drupal experts to prevent future issues.

When is Drupal 7 EOL ( End of Life)?

The Drupal Association has announced the end of life for Drupal 7 on January 5, 2025, after 14 years of service. The core, modules, and themes will no longer receive security support, advisories, or community support from the Drupal Security Team and community.

When is Drupal 9 EOL (End of Life)?

Drupal 9's End of Life (EOL) is set for November 1st, 2023, a year after the release of Drupal 10. The EOL is due to Drupal 9's dependency on the Symfony framework, which will end support when Symfony version 7 reaches EOL.